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Tag: University

Summit supporting AMTI, Cometa and XSENSOR at ECSS Congress

The Summit Medical and Scientific Biomechanics Team will be attending the Congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS). The conference is taking

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Optima and AccuPower force plates installed at Leeds Trinity University

Last week the Biomechanics Team were at Leeds Trinity University installing AMTI force plates. Two BMS400600 High Frequency plates were accompanied by

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Representing clinical gait analysis technology at CMAS 2024

We're pleased to return as exhibitors to CMAS 2024, the annual scientific meeting of the Clinical Movement Analysis Society. Click here to

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Summit Medical and Scientific sponsoring BASES BIG 2024

The Summit Medical and Scientific team are delighted to be returning as sponsors to BASES BIG 2024, the Biomechanics Interest Group annual conference with

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Visit University of Bolton for their C-Mill VR open day on 1st March

Join the University of Bolton Faculty of Health and Wellbeing for their open day on the 1st of March 2024 which introduces their new C-Mill VR treadmill.

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University of Bolton fully trained to use new Motek C-Mill VR treadmill

This month the University of Bolton received training for their brand new C-Mill VR, which was delivered and installed by the Summit Medical and Scientific

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Motek user research presentations and posters at ESMAC in Athens

Join our partner Motek at the annual meeting of the European Society for Movement Analysis in Adults and Children (ESMAC) in Athens, 21 - 23 September! A

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RYSEN transforms postural control and motor function for Parkinson’s patients

A recent research paper published by IRCCS Centro Neurolesi “Bonino-Pulejo", Italy, explores whether patients with Parkinson's Disease benefit from

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National Clinical Guideline for Stroke supports robotic movement therapy

The National Clinical Guideline for Stroke for the United Kingdom and Ireland have released their latest guidelines for 2023. These guidelines are shared to

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