Partners: AMTI
AMTI is the world-leading manufacturer of biomechanics force plates, instrumented treadmills, force/torque sensors, and simulation/wear testing machines. Their best-in-industry calibration guarantees customers the highest level of accuracy. Click here to view AMTI’s website.
AMTI have set the industry standard for force plate technology as the first manufacturer to meet ASTM’s “Standard Test Method for Verification of Multi-Axis Force Measuring Platforms”, with their patented Optima line of force plates. Read more.
The AMTI Optima series
The Optima is a major breakthrough in force measurement technology. When you purchase an AMTI Optima force plate, you know you are getting the best force platform system available.
AMTI produces four levels of Optima force plate systems:
- The Optima-HPS (High Performance System) is the most accurate force platform available, offering a 10-fold improvement over any other force platform available today. Read more.
- The Optima-BMS (Bio-Measurement System) is a close second in accuracy at a more affordable price. Read more.
- The Optima-MMS (Medical Measurement System) is the only medical force plate in the EU and is a certified Class 1m Medical Device. Read more.
- The Optima-SPS (Special Purpose System) allows activities on the top surface of the force plate to be viewed and recorded from the underside. Read more.
AMTI’s precise calibration involves up to 4000 measurements taken along a high-density grid that covers the entire platform’s surface. Multiple loads are applied up at up to 400 locations using a precision machine capable of maintaining absolute positioning accuracy of 0.005mm, which is certified by the Association for Manufacturing Technology.
All of AMTI’s standard and large surface area force platforms are now part of the Optima family and undergo AMTI’s patented Optima calibration process.
Who uses AMTI products?
AMTI’s systems are used by major orthopaedic manufacturers, testing laboratories, universities and research hospitals worldwide in areas such as biomechanics, balance and gait analysis, sports and ergonomics, including:
Aberystwyth University, Bath University, the Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre (DMRC), Glasgow University, Exeter Chiefs RFC, Glaxo Smith Kline Performance Lab, Imperial College London, King’s College London, Manchester City Football Academy, Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital, Royal Veterinary College, Swansea City FC, Sports Surgery Clinic Dublin, University of Strathclyde, VSimulators at the University of Exeter, and the West Midlands Rehabilitation Centre.
Choosing a Force Plate
We’re pleased to offer a wide range of force plates in a variety of sizes and capacities, as well as portable options, custom builds for specialist applications, and force platforms for equine and veterinary uses. The force plates can either be used individually, or in a variety of configurations in order to collect multiple footsteps. Whether you are looking for a force plate for gait, balance, sports or something more one-off, we will work with you to find the best option for you. Find out more about choosing your force plate.
AMTI Products

The AccuGait-Optimized (ACG-O) is AMTI’s portable solution for quantifying human gait and balance.

AMTI’s AccuPower-Optimized (ACP-O) multi-axis force platform is a portable solution for jump, drop landing, squat analysis and more.

The portable AccuSway-Optimized (ACS-O) is perfect for on-the-go balance assessments and training.

Canes, Crutches and Walker Sensors
These sensors are specifically designed for the precise measurement of the forces and moments transmitted through walkers, canes and crutches.

Custom and Special Designs
These bespoke force plates are tailor-made to your requirements, including waterproof systems and glass-top platforms.

Filler Force Plates
We supply AMTI filler force plates in quarter, half and full length sizes to create the optimum custom set-up.

Force Plate Stairs
The force platform stairway has been designed in response to clinical patient requests to improve their gait while going up and down stairs.

Force/Torque Sensors
The multi-axis load cells (multi-axis transducers) are ideal whenever it is important to measure forces and moments in three dimensions.

The HE6x6 is a compact, portable force platform for quantifying very low loads.

Mobius Treadmill
These treadmills can be with or without incline, and are a compact dual-belt end-to-end force sensing treadmill.

Multi-Axis Wear-Testing Machines
These simulate human joint motion, for the purpose of testing and evaluating prosthetic devices prior to clinical use.

Optima Bio-Measurement System
The Bio-Measurement System (Optima-BMS) is Optima technology in the most affordable package.

Optima High Performance System
This ground-breaking development in force technology offers a 10-fold improvement over any other force platform available on the market.

Optima Special Purpose Series
The Optima-SPS allows activities on the top surface of the force plate to be viewed and recorded from the underside.

We offer a range of software which can be used for data acquisition, analysis, research, rehabilitation, training and more.

How to choose your force plate
Take a look at our list of considerations if you are interested in an AMTI force plate but not sure where to start.