CONTEMPLAS TEMPLO® Swimming Analysis Solutions
Precise swimming analysis for top performance.
TEMPLO®, the video-based swimming analysis system from CONTEMPLAS, offers a detailed analysis of an athlete’s swimming performance. This practical solution has been specifically designed to achieve objective results, in both swimming training and performance diagnostics.
Summit Medical and Scientific are proud to partner with CONTEMPLAS in 2024 and offer the TEMPLO® Swimming Analysis Software as part of our biomechanics solutions.
Optimise technique
Increase the technical quality of swimming movements and decide with how much energy and how fast the target is reached.
The TEMPLO® swimming analysis software gives you access to:
- The frame-by-frame analysis of technical elements and complete swimming movements
- Above and under water analysis
- The view from different perspectives
- The evaluation and comparison of the video data
- The identification of performance limiting factors
Start and turn better
Use the TEMPLO® swimming analysis software to improve the athlete`s starting and turning manoeuvres and race times.
- Capture start and turn maneuvers above and under water
- Get kinematic and dynamic results within seconds
- Use the reported parameters to increase start and turn performance step by step
Analyse races
Want to analyse races professionally? The TEMPLO® swimming race analysis software package provides you with accurate information on timing, stroke frequencies and breathing patterns, and allows you to make statements about race tactics:
- Record your races or import existing video files
- Analyse relevant subsections by following the predefined workflows
- Select and report your relevant parameters
- Collect data for long-term studies in the organized database
Quick, in-depth feedback
Use the TEMPLO® swimming analysis software to give immediate advice to the swimmer and adjust incorrect movement patterns immediately. Through continuous reflexion the athlete can achieve quick improvements in their movement.
- Provide immediate feedback directly from the pool edge
- See more and analyse better with a “live third eye” underwater
- Use delayed camera views to provide instant feedback and self reflection
CONTEMPLAS Gait Analysis
Walk, analyse and improve with the CONTEMPLAS TEMPLO® gait video analysis solution.
CONTEMPLAS Performance Analysis
Increase athletic performance in training, competition and therapy with TEMPLO® performance analysis.
CONTEMPLAS Retail Running Analysis
Professional analysis for a quick and personalised shoe recommendation with TEMPLO®.
CONTEMPLAS Running Analysis
TEMPLO® running analysis systems offer a professional solution for markerless running analysis.
CONTEMPLAS Sprint Start Analysis
Kinematic and dynamic analysis of the sprint start with the TEMPLO® mobile diagnostic system.