The perfect video software package for your motion analysis needs.
CONTEMPLAS provides innovative technology for professional 2D and 3D video-based motion analysis, including gait, running, swimming, performance and sprint start. CONTEMPLAS Analysis Systems record all movement data in real time with the latest video technology. Combined with synchronous dynamic measurement results, they open up new insights into human movement.
Their TEMPLO® software package is developed in-house with individual solutions and maximum flexibility, forming the basis for many modular extension possibilities. This integrates with a range of hardware including force plates, pressure measurement systems, and EMG for efficient and objective analysis.
Why choose CONTEMPLAS?
From simple video-supported movement correction to markerless 3D movement analysis, CONTEMPLAS offers a flexible and comprehensive solution that can be tailored to your needs.
With over 20 years of innovation and experience, over 4000 licenses worldwide, a large network of international sales partners and 100% professional support, choose CONTEMPLAS for your video motion analysis needs:
- Evidence-based
- Utmost flexibility
- Streamlined workflow
- Meaningful reporting
Record videos quickly and easily directly in TEMPLO®. The tracking algorithm automatically detects joint centres, saving time through automated tracking, increasing reliability, and increasing objectivity.
Use the predefined analysis templates in TEMPLO® to evaluate your recordings quickly and efficiently. Display movement curves and angles superimposed on the video. Visualise additional recorded data in diagrams, e.g. force and EMG data. During video playback, the selected data and the gait phases you defined in the timeline are displayed at the respective time.
Combine your video recordings with other measuring devices such as force plates, pressure measurement systems and EMG for a comprehensive biomechanical overview of your client´s individual gait pattern.

Gait Analysis
Walk, analyse and improve with the CONTEMPLAS TEMPLO® gait video analysis solution.

Performance Analysis
Increase athletic performance in training, competition and therapy with TEMPLO® performance analysis.

Retail Running Analysis
Professional analysis for a quick and personalised shoe recommendation with TEMPLO®.

Running Analysis
TEMPLO® running analysis systems offer a professional solution for markerless running analysis.

Sprint Start Analysis
Kinematic and dynamic analysis of the sprint start with the TEMPLO® mobile diagnostic system.

Swimming Analysis
The TEMPLO® video-based swimming analysis system offers you a detailed analysis of your athletes’ swimming performance.