Net Zero Roadmap
Supplier name: Brighthedge Ltd T/A Summit Medical and Scientific
Last Updated: 29th October 2024.
Climate Transition Plan
This Net Zero Roadmap, otherwise known as a Climate Transition Plan, sets out our understanding of, and alignment with, the NHS England Public Board roadmap to help suppliers align with ambitious net zero targets between now and 2030.
We understand that suppliers on NHS Supply Chain Framework Agreements are now encouraged to think about what steps we have to take in the future to align with the Net Zero Supplier Roadmap.
On our website we have shared our Carbon Reduction Plan and our ambitious targets, projects, preparations and commitments to future milestones.
We understand that from 2027 all suppliers will be required to publicly report targets, emissions, and a Carbon Reduction Plan for global emissions aligned to the NHS net zero target, for all emissions within Scopes 1, 2 & 3. As part of our Carbon Reduction Plan shared on our website, we have adhered to this requirement.
We understand that from 2028, new requirements will be introduced overseeing the provision of carbon footprinting for individual products supplied to the NHS. The NHS will work closely with suppliers and regulators to determine the scope and methodology. We will work closely with our suppliers and distribution network to be able to fully calculate the carbon footprint for the individual products we would supply to the NHS.
We understand that from 2030 suppliers will only be able to quality for NHS contracts if we can demonstrate progress through published progress reports and continued carbon emissions reporting, through the Evergreen Sustainable Supplier Assessment. We are committed to sharing our progress and reporting, and will continue to update our Evergreen Sustainable Supplier Assessment in the years ahead. We have completed 2023-24 and 2024-25 to date.
Signed, Sara Brammall, Managing Director