We are very proud to announce that Summit Medical and Scientific has been awarded a contract to supply the new Defence and National Rehabilitation Centre (DNRC) with a Motek CAREN High End system. The state-of-the-art facility is based at Stanford Hall near Loughborough, UK.

Installation of the CAREN will take place in March 2018 and the facility as a whole will be opening Summer 2018.

About the CAREN:

Motek‘s High End Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environment is the world’s most advanced biomechanics lab. It features high-tech equipment such as a virtual reality dome and an instrumented force treadmill mounted on a motion base. The versatile, multi-sensory system can be used for rehabilitation and the assessment and training of healthy movement and balance.

Contact us if you would like to find out more about this innovative system and how it can benefit a wide range of patients.